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The nucleus is 5 Miles (8 Km) wide, and 9 Miles (15 Km) Long

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Halley's Comet has an average diameter of about 11 kilometers (6.8 miles).

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Is Halley's comet bigger than the moon?

No, Halley's comet is not bigger than the Moon. Halley's comet is a few kilometers in size, whereas the Moon has a diameter of about 3,474 kilometers.

What was the comet seen by ancient Mesopotamians?

Halley's Comet

What are the other examples of comet?

Some other examples of comets include Comet Halley, Comet Hale-Bopp, and Comet Hyakutake. These comets are known for their brightness, size, and visibility from Earth.

Can you walk on Halley's comet?

No you can not walk on Halley's Comet

What year was Halley's comet discovered?

halley's comet was discovered in 1705 by Edmond halley

How did Halley's comet form?

God Created Halley's comet.

Comet which seen in every 73 years?

That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,

Is Halley's comet the largest asteroid?

No. For one thing, Halley's comet is a comet, not an asteroid. The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is far larger than Halley's comet.

What is Halley's comet mad of?

Halley's comet is not mad, it is merely eccentric.

Is Halley's comet a planet or a comet?

It is a comet.

Was Halley's comet discovered by halley Campbell?

Halley's Comet was observed and recorded many times in many places around the world. Sir Edmond Halley demonstrated that the repeated sightings were of the same object, the comet that now bears his name.

What was Halley's Comet?

Halley's comet is a comet named after a Edmund Halley and it comes every 76 years so it will most likely come in 2061