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Macbeth is talking about the witches' prophecy to Banquo "Thou shalt get kings thou thou be none". From this Macbeth infers (although the witches did not actually say so) that his children would not be kings. Macbeth translates "thou shalt get kings" into Banquo being the father to "a line of kings". Well, the witches only said "kings"--they didn't say it was more than two. Then he imagines that none of his children would be kings with a couple of synechdoches: he describes the crown as fruitless (without children) and the sceptre as barren (incapable of having children) when it is the king, himself, which he imagines as fruitless and barren.

I cannot hear the phrase "a fruitless crown" without imagining Carmen Miranda. Sorry if I have now put this image in your head.

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Q: What is happening in the quote They hailed him father to a line of kings Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren scepter in my grip in Macbeth?
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What does Macbeth mean by upon your head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren scepter in your gripe?

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The word "barren" is the giveaway. The sceptre is a symbol of kingship. It is barren because Macbeth has no heir to pass the throne to (not in the play, anyway. In real life he had a stepson who did succeed him.)

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Planned, serious. Barren, empty, unfruitful, depleted

What is the meaning of barren?

Not bred Barren, in spiritual terms, is to not be able to produce; fruitless. Such as barren women, in The Bible, who weren't able to be fruitful & multiply (have children). There's also the parable about the barren fig tree.

Is a word barren a noun?

The term 'barren' can be a noun or an adjective. It is an adjective when describing something.

What is barren a collective noun for?

Barren is a collective noun for a barren of mules.

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A homonym of barren is baron.

What is the Hebrew word for barren?

A barren person = akar A barren place = shomem

How do you use barren in a sentence?

The desert was barren.

What part of speech is barren?

Barren is an adjective.