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basically the glass is becoming crystalline after a certain amount of heat has been applied for a certain amount of time.

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Q: What is happening on a molecular level during devitrification of glass?
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Glass keeps beer colder due to its molecular structure.

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No. H2O is the chemical formula for the molecular compound water.

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What happening is the water droplets have evaporated.

How chemistry is related to glass industry?

Knowing the molecular make-up of materials (such as glass) is important in understanding both their properties and how to synthesise them. Chemistry thus plays an important part in the glass industry, being the science of matter.

What would happen if all the items in the room were at dew point temperature?

Water would condense on those items. This is what is happening when you have a glass of ice water, and water collects on the outside of the glass.

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Is breaking glass a physical change?

Yes, as it's still glass. There is no chemical/molecular change.

Is a glass breaking a chemical change?

A chemical change is when the molecules of an object / solution are changed. A physical change is when the object / solution is altered without molecular change. Breaking glass is a physical change.