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Kelvin and Fahrenheit are both temperature scales that describe a wide range of temperatures, both hot and cold. Since kelvin places zero at a much lower temperature than Fahrenheit does, any number in Fahrenheit will be warmer than the same number in kelvin.

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3mo ago

Kelvin is hotter than Fahrenheit. In the Kelvin scale, absolute zero is 0K, which is equivalent to -273.15°C. In comparison, the coldest temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is -459.67°F, which is still above absolute zero.

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Q: What is hotter kelvin or Fahrenheit?
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Which is hotter 90 degrees Fahrenheit 40 degrees Celsius or 300 Kelvin?

300 Kelvin is hotter than both 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 40 degrees Celsius. Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale where 0 Kelvin represents absolute zero, the coldest temperature possible. 300 Kelvin is equivalent to 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit and 26.85 degrees Celsius.

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About 80 degrees Kelvin during both of their days. Which is about 80 degrees Celsius and 667 degrees hotter in Fahrenheit.

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5778 Kelvin is equal to 10,051.73 degrees Fahrenheit.

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40oC is the hottest of the three. 90oF = 32.22oC 300oK = 27oC

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116 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 314.82 Kelvin. You can convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin by using the formula: Kelvin = (Fahrenheit + 459.67) x 5/9.

What is 300 degrees kelvin in Fahrenheit?

300 degrees Kelvin is equal to 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 78 degrees Fahrenheit to kelvin?

78 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 298.71 Kelvin.

Is kelvin more than Fahrenheit?

No, Kelvin is not more than Fahrenheit. In fact, 0 Kelvin is equal to -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the relation between kelvin and Fahrenheit?

The relationship between Kelvin and Fahrenheit is the formula Fahrenheit = (Kelvin - 273.15) x 1.8 + 32. This formula allows you to convert temperatures from the Kelvin scale to the Fahrenheit scale.

What is 134 Kelvin in Fahrenheit?

134 Kelvin = -218.47 degrees Fahrenheit

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If it is 30C what is the temperature in Fahrenheit and Kelvin?

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