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The half-life should be similar to the age of the object.

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12y ago
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Minnie Crist

Lvl 10
2y ago

The sample must contain radioactive elements.

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Lvl 1
1y ago
for apex its The sample cannot contain any radioactive elements.

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10y ago

The assumptions needed for radiometric dating to be useful and reasonably accurate are:

  • that no material has been added or lost from the material being dated.
  • that the rate of decay of the radioactive element has not changed over the time that the object has existed.

The first assumption must be supported for each analysis by assessment of the object to be dated, and must be maintained throughout the analysis through the use of appropriate procedures to prevent contamination or loss.

The second assumption is basic to our current understanding of the universe.

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10y ago

Radiometric dating is a sophisticated science, and requires complex equipment. There are many different decay processes used for dating.

Taking K-Ar as an example, the sample must be selected from a rock believed to be representative of the geological process being investigated.

From this, commonly a mica would be selected for the actual measurement, for mica is one of the last minerals to form from the metamorphic melt, and is thus regarded as an 'end-point' mineral as far as dating is concerned.

From part of the sample the Ar component is extracted - necessarily done under careful conditions; and from another part of the sample,the K is extracted, and the proportion of K in the sample is determined to an accuracy of about 1%.

In the actual radioactive decay, about 90% of the time, the decay is to 40Ca, and in the other 10% of the time into 40Ar. There is a third more rare decay. The realistic assumption is that all the 40Ar originated as 40K.

Fundamentally Ar is a noble gas, and thus does not form compounds, and the radiometric Ar will remain entrained in the mineral matrix over the life of the process. The half-life of the 40K to40Ar is about 1.25x109 years, so it is particularly well suited to geological studies.

Other radiometric decays use the actual signature of the decay process as the measure of that event. So commonly will use detectors that are calibrated to look for x-rays of a particular energy.

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10y ago

An accurate radiometric date can be obtained only if the mineral remained in a closed system during the entire period since it's formation.

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