

Best Answer
  • Introduction
  • Background of the Study
  • Rationale
  • Conceptual Framework (This may vary from one school to another.)
  • Theoretical Framework (This may vary from one school to another.)
  • Objectives of the Study
  • General Objective
  • Specific Objective
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Hypothesis / Assumption
  • Scope
  • Delimitation / Limitation
  • Importance of the Study/ Significance of the Study
  • Definition of terms
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12y ago
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12y ago

I am sure that there is more than one answer for this question, but I will say that the main parts of the research paper are:

Introduction with the thesis statement.

The body of the paper that supports the thesis statement.

The conclusion wraps up the paper by providing a very brief summary of what you just wrote that supports the thesis statement.

See Sources and Related Links for more information.

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10y ago

Im also finding some answer to that *fuding question -______-

(c)denisse rei );

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12y ago

Im pretty sure theres more than 3. Theres intro, 3 arguments, conclusion, and theres one more thing but i cant remember it...

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10y ago

marame sobbra

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Q: What is included in the first four lines of a research paper?
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A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

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To make sure you have properly formatted you paper and included proper citations. Creating a reference sheet for which you obtained any information directly stated in your paper giving proper credit to that source.