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You mean allusion?

You can look up "Allude" or "Allude to" in a dictionary.

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Q: What is indirect reference?
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Which word means making an indirect reference to something Prosper Allusion Literary Illuminate?

Allusion means making an indirect reference to something.

How can you use indirect and mistreat in a sentence together?

The speaker didn't mistreat the Bible but he made an indirect reference to the Bible.

What is the origin of allusion?

The term "allusion" comes from the Latin word "allusio," which means a "playful reference" or "a rhythmical device in music." It has been used in English since the late 16th century to refer to a passing or indirect reference in writing or speech.

What is an allusion in grammar?

An allusion is a passing reference or indirect mention of something.

Is an implied or indirect reference found in literature?

Yes, an implied or indirect reference is often found in literature and is known as an allusion. Allusions are references made to well-known people, places, events, or literary works to enhance the reader's understanding or to add layers of meaning to the text.

Where does the word astronaut appear in October Sky?

no where, he says he wants to Go to space, which is an indirect reference, but it never pops up.

If you use an already published article and rewrite it into your own - do you need to reference the original author?

Yes, you have to use an indirect quotation.

The shady curtains from Auroras bed is an example of what?

It is an allusion (an indirect or passing reference to something). It alludes to Aurora, goddess of the Dawn.

What does the Talmud say about Jesus?

In spite of pious claims by some that the Talmud mentions Jesus, there is no direct or indirect reference anywhere to Jesus.

When do you say direct and indirect?

Hereunder several example of the employ of "direct" as an adjective: direct consequence, direct descendant, direct action, direct discourse or speech (British), direct evidence, direct cost. You can also use it to mean: frank, open, sincere; a direct answer, a direct way of doing things. "Direct" as an adverb: I shall write to you direct, the train goes direct to Boston . Several examples of the employ of "indirect" as an adjective: an indirect route, to make an indirect reference, to answer a question in an indirect way, indirect cost, indirect object, indirect discourse or speech (British).

Where in the talmud does it state that jesus was a wicked deceiver?

Nowhere, there is no direct mention of Jesus in the Talmud. The first indirect reference is about the early Christians from after his death.

What literary term is for Aurora's bed?

Its an Allusion.Defintion - an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.