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This prevents blood from entering the sealed sections of the vein. The veins remain in the body, but no longer carry blood. This procedure can be performed on an out-patient basis and does not require anesthesia.

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You would have to discuss this matter with a physician who specializes in such treatments. The cost can vary depending on the kind of treatment needed.

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Q: What is injection therapy for varicose veins?
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What is endovenous laser therapy used for?

Endovenous laser therapy is used to to treat varicose veins, which are veins that have become engorged due to age or injury and are considered unsightly.

Which term is when veins swoolen veins in her legs?

Varicose veins.

What are dilated veins called?

Varicose veins are called dialated veins

What kind of veins become varicose?

The superficial veins are the blood vessels most often affected by varicose veins and are the veins seen by eye when the varicose condition has developed.

What you do about varicose veins?

Visit a Phlebologist (specialist in the treatment of varicose veins) or Vascular Surgeon to discuss your options. A Phlebologist will offer you the latest minimally invasive techniques to get rid of varicose veins, such as endovenous laser therapy or ultrasound guided sclerotherapy. Both treatments are very effective. A lower limb venous duplex ultrasound scan will be required to assess the location of the veins first.

What is the cure for varicose veins?

A specialist can use an injection into the veins that "shrinks" them - other non swollen veins will take over for the ones the MD has injected. There is an older process called stripping where the veins are actually surgically removed.

How are varicose veins treated in alternative medicine?

Herbal therapy can be helpful in the treatment of varicose veins. Essential oils of cypress and geranium or extracts from horse chestnut seeds (Aesculus hippocastanum ) are massaged into the legs, stroking upwards toward the heart.

What has the author Stanislas Laugier written?

Stanislas Laugier has written: 'Concours pour une chaire de clinique chirurgicale des varices, de leur traitement' -- subject(s): Varicose veins, Therapy, Treatment, Varicose Veins

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Venous insufficiency is a condition in which blood pools in the vein because the valves have become incompetent.

Are varicose veins treatable?

Varicose veins can develop in the deep veins also. Varicose veins in the superficial veins are called primary varicosities, while varicose veins in the deep veins are called secondary varicosities.

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Can you get a varicose vein on your brain

Can surgical stripping prevent the development of new varicose veins?

Surgical stripping of varicose veins is successful for most patients. Most do not develop new, large varicose veins following surgery. Surgery does not decrease a person's tendency to develop varicose veins.