

What is inside a inflated ball?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is inside a inflated ball?
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How do you inflate a rubber ball?

If it is a solid rubber ball it is not inflated. A hollow ball can be inflated. The more pressure inside, the "harder" the ball will be and the higher it will bounce. To much pressure and you risk rupturing the "rubber" bladder.

Can I transport an inflated ball inside of aircraft cargo compartment?

There is a danger of it exploding due to the low pressure environment.

Which property of air keeps a beach ball inflated?

The type of air that keeps a beach ball inflated is kinetic energy.

Why does a flat basketball seem inflated when warmed?

Because the heat causes the air inside the basketball to expand, which increases the pressure in the ball.

Does the material of the ball affect the way it bounces?

The material must influence the bounce of a ball: consider an inflated rubber ball versus an inflated aluminum ball. The difference might have to do with the elasticity of the material.

Does the hotter the temperature of the puck the farther it goes?

Temperature can affect a couple of different variables in a ball to alter the distance it will travel from an impact. For inflated balls, the temperature can change the air pressure inside the ball giving an over inflated effect if it was warmed, or and under inflated effect if it was cold. (Have you ever tried dribbling a basketball without enough air in it?) The amount of air pressure then is directly proportional to the temperature of the air inside.

What was the first rugby ball made from?

It was made of pig skin stitched in panels and had a pigs bladder inside which was inflated. The first rugby balls were NOT shaped as we see today but were nearly like a soccer ball

What sports are played with a ball that is not inflated or hallow?


How does a referee check if the ball is correctly inflated?

to check if a basketball or any ball is inflated properly, the referee must bounce the ball on the floor to see if it comes back up to a appropriate height for the players. :)

What happens to gas particles when air leaks out in an inflated ball?

Gas particles travel from an area of higher pressure to lower pressure when air leaks out of an inflated ball.

When I inflated a soccer ball it had creases that wont go away how do I fix this?

A trick to taking out the wrinkles from a soccer ball that has not been inflated for a while is to let some air out of the ball. Then, air the ball up again while heating the ball with a hair dryer.

Which has more mass an inflated basketball or a deflated basketball?

an inflated because it takes up more room than a deflated one It depends on how you define the basketball. If you define it as just the rubber, then the mass does not change when it is inflated. If you consider the air inside the ball to be part of the ball then adding more air adds more mass. Mass is "stuff". Air has mass because air is stuff.