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Also known as disseminated intravascular coagulation, this type of cardiovascular disease is a condition wherein there is excessive clotting and hemorrhage throughout the body and can lead to organ failure or worst, death

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11y ago

Clotting of blood in the blood vessels is the blockage of the blood vessels by excess cholestrol,calcium and platelets. It can be stopped by surgeory.

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Why does clotting of blood not take place in uninjured blood vessels?

Blood clotting does occur for blood in uninjured blood vessels due to its insulation from air. Our bodies produce what is called heparin that prevents clotting of blood in vessels. Heparin allows our lungs to transfer oxygen to our blood. When blood is exposed to air it clots so heparin allows the blood to come in direct contact with the air we breath without clotting.

What processes is triggered when blood contacts damaged blood vessels or tissues outside blood vessels?

Clotting factors will be activated.

Damage to the small blood vessels can cause what to occur?

The organism not only damages the blood vessels by causing them to leak, but also causes clotting inside the vessels.

Which is best suited to the clotting process that occurs when blood vessels are ruptured?


What is the function of the blood platelets?

Platelets help close breaks in damaged blood vessels and initiate formation of blood clots.

The blood platelets accumulation during blood clotting in response to any damage to the lining of the blood vessels is?

a negative feedback mechanism

What prevents abnormal clotting within blood vessels?

There are many things people can do to prevent blood from clotting inside the blood vessels. One of those is making sure you don't sit/laydown very long. For example, when you take a plane ride, it is smart to get up and move around because having your legs down for so long makes your blood slow down (blood pooling) and it makes it easier for clotting to accur.

What chemical constricts blood vessels until clotting occurs?

antidepressants and smoking

What are Fragments of cells that form a plug sealing holes in injured vessels during blood clotting?


Why would heparin be important to the body?

Heparin is often used to reduce the chance of blood clotting inside your blood vessels. It also thins the blood so it can go through diseased vessels that are growing shut.

Why it is important that blood to be liquid?

Blood must be liquid and with a certain viscosity (thinness to thickness) for it to successfully pass through blood vessels and the heart without clotting.

Why is quick clot effective?

It contains a special blood-clotting agent called Kaolin, which helps in the constriction of the vessels.