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Contact the local office of the USDA Department of Soil Conservation Service. They will tell you if you are in a flood plane or on an earth quake fault. They will tell you about your soil and what the water table and water quality is like. In some places the water is drinkable, but it is so high in iron that it is not useable for washing clothes without a special filter. Contact housemoving company, a well drilling company and a licensed electrician and plumber for estimated costs and feasibility. Make sure to get a copy of their insurance policy before contracting their services. Check with local building authority for code compliance and permitting [this is a part of your town, reservation, or county government (Your contractors should do this for you, and the costs should be included in their bid for the work). Have a soil "perc" test done by a civil engineer to determine feasibility of septic system. Some governmental entities require a permit for septic system installation. Get a geo-prognosis from a well drilling company as to feasibility of well water. Possibility of city sewer and/or water meters may be required. Contact phone company and electric company about feasibility and costs. Select location on land most suitable for ease of set-up, including installation of utilities. Consider the access for a road the tractor will need to place the trailer, general flatness with good drainage for the area around the trailer. The more work you can self-perform, the cheaper, provided you are capable and do not interfere with your contractor's progress. The simplest thing you can do is the underpinning after the housemovers' initial set-up. The movers can furnish the minimum requirements to stabilize and pin down the home per code [required in high wind and earthquake locations] and you can do the rest. Such as install more supports for greater stability, decorative trim around the skirt and building porches, decks and entry steps. Then plant trees to shade the home from the hot sun and cold winds. Your County Agent has advice on how to plant a shelter-belt and where to get cheep trees.

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