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Q: What is it called when a long time ago people bartered for goods and services?
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They traded goods and bartered.

What did people do before money existed?

They traded goods and bartered.

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Since Phoenicians had faced difficulties with whom they traded with, they bartered, or exchanged goods and services.

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No. Not for a long time. Your wealth was what you owned, example: Houses, land, cattle, jems, gold and other precious metals. And even how many servants you had.

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A barter system, where people trade their goods and services for other goods or services as opposed to trading goods and services for money.

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A system for producing and distributing goods and services?

The system of producing goods and services is called an economy. This system uses humans to produce and sell the goods. When the people have no say in what will be produced or how, this is called a command economy.

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A business that produces goods or services is called an industry.

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What was used instead of coins in ancient China?

They traded/ bartered, which is the trade of goods for other goods.

What are Goods or services bought with other goods or services called?

This is the barter system.