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Q: What is it called when a play starts and finishes with the same scene?
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Where was the place where the first scene in the play Romeo and Juliet starts?

In the marketplace in Verona.

What is the french word for the final scene of a play?

The final scene can be called the denouement.

Is one scene in a play called an episode?


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table tennis is a good winter sport but can be played in the summer. The season starts in September and finishes in April/may.

What is the final scene called in a greek play?

The Exodus

How does the audience know when a play is moving on to a new scene?

In a French play, a new scene starts when someone enters or exits. In an English play, a scene ends when the stage is emptied and starts with someone entering an empty stage. In some modern plays, the scene starts with someone onstage already. The audience is apprised of the fact that it is a new scene because the stage lights come up. A century ago they would know because the main curtain would be drawn (few theatres apart from some amateur ones use traveller curtains nowadays).

What is the subdivision of a play called?

The subdivision of a play is called an "act." Acts are further divided into scenes.

The beginning of the play starts with Romeo in Juliet?

no it starts with the two families and they start yelling at each other then romeo and Juliet come in in scene 2

What is a example of a prologue in romeo andd Juliet and what act and scene and line is it on?

The prologues are not part of the action of the play and so belong to no act or scene. Act 1 scene one starts when the first prologue ends. Open up a copy of the play and look at the first page. The prologue starts with the words, "Two households, both alike in dignity."

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Its Called Scene It?

Why does this act start with a grave scene?

In order to answer why this specific act starts with a grave scene, the act would have to be named. If the act were to be named, whether a play or movie, the research could be done to specify why they chose to begin with a grave scene.

How do you play twilight scene it?

I don't have the scene it to tell you how to play the game scene it for Twilight