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Q: What is it called when moving a limb away from the body?
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What a is sideways movement of a limb?

The sideways movement of a limb is called abduction or adduction. Abduction is moving a limb away from the body's midline, while adduction is bringing a limb closer to the body's midline.

Which word indicates moving a limb away from the body?


What is the movement of the humerus?

Abduction of the arm involves the humerus moving laterally. Abduction means moving a limb or finger away from the midline of the body or limb.

Moving a bone or limb away from the mid-line of the body known as?


What is demonstrate abduction?

Demonstrate is a verb, not a noun. Abduction, in functional anatomy, is a movement which draws a limb away from the median sagittal plane of the body. You would demonstrate it by moving a limb away from the median sagittal plane of the body.

What is abduction in medical terms?

Moving the body part away from the midline of the body.Abduction means to move away from the trunk of your body, such as moving your arms away from the body

Why is the west limb of the sun red-shifted and the east limb blue-shifted?

Because the sun is rotating. So its west limb is moving away from us and its east limb is moving toward us ... the exact conditions required in order to shift the emission spectrum.

When a starfish loses its limb does the limb grow a new body?

It is called regeneration

Does the abductor let r limb away from r body?

yes ADDuctor adds it to our body, ABDUCTor abducts (takes it away) from our body

What is a part of a body limb called?

a limb is an appendage, like arms and legs it is not however a thing in your body like your heart

What are abductors and adductors?

Abductor muscles pull a limb away from the midline of the body e.g. abductor muscles pull

What is a false limb called?

A false limb is called a prosthetic.