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People who recognize both the possiblility of a higher power bring life into exisence, and also that man is flawed enough to take advantage of other peoples beliefs to raise themselves to positions of power often believe in God, and seldom in religion.

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12y ago

A Pagan :) Additional

What path is right for me?, is a question that each seeker asks at least once in their lives. As children, most individuals follow the pathways of their parents. Even if a parent has no particular spiritual path, the child is influenced by their parent. This is almost genetic as, regardless of a path, the mother, to the child, is the goddess. As one grows older and begins to think for themselves, they begin to feel a desire to either embrace or reject their parental suggestions. This includes the chosen spiritual path of the individual. Many factors influence our examination and determination of our path. Some of these factors include, environment, social network, (including parents, friends, and co-workers), ethnicity or blood line, and connectedness, or lack of it, to the world around us. Each of these act as filters through which we see the world around us. Ask any couple in a relationship how many times they "read between the lines" of a statement just to see how effective filters are in our daily lives. Each individual's path is unique. One may utilize the same aspects of the divine, yet call them by another name. Take the deific aspect of healing. In some pathways, the deity of healing is Bridghid, (and lets not forget that spellings and language for even the same deity show regional differences), others it is Kwan Yin, and others Quanyin. Whole nations have gone to war over the NAME of a particular deity rather than listening to the aspect and intent of the name. We are social creatures that desire the acceptance of those around us. The problem occurs when we desire our existing friends, colleagues, family, etc, to accept our new choice, just because we do! Our brother or sister, who follows another path, can not always see that our path is equally valid. Sometimes this is because they are not following their true path either, however, it can also be that they truly feel that there path is RIGHT and yours is WRONG. While, based on the concept that all paths are one path, this is not necessarily the filters that others see through. I have many Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, Wiccan, Eclectic, Heathen friends, and family, the only thing that is important to me is that they respect my path as I respect theirs. Since, each of us must live within our own filters, examine the path that calls you in as objective way as possible. If you are called to Quanyin, then accept that particular deity as one that speaks to you. If you feel that the trees speak with you, and you can hear/feel this then follow this where it leads you and don't automatically say, I am not ____ (insert appropriate group here) and can not really be associated with trees. If you feel that a particular set of rules speaks to you and reverberates within, then follow it and find others that can support you. What is important is that it fills some needs within yourself. The next step is to investigate the teachings of the path and take on that which speaks to you. Be true to yourself and don't belittle, or agonize over the choices you have made. Be confident in yourself. You are the one who must follow the path, so you are the only one that needs to "understand" the path. Lastly, do not label yourself if it would put you in a box that you do not wish to be part. Boxes are created by large groups and if you are a "round peg" why fit into a "square hole"?
Note "Theism" in Wiki. Your question isn't specific enough. "Pantheism"--everything is God. "Panentheism"--God is "in" everything. "Polytheism"--belief in more than one God. "Monotheism"--belief in only one God.

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13y ago

Isolated. I have done it. I looked for every excuse not to go. I prayed daily. I lived a good life. I only sinned moderately. I believed in God, but I didn't go to church. I didn't like the church or the preacher or the people were hypocrites or too strict or straight or I hated the parking or any other excuse. I just didn't want to go. You know how I got over it? I went to a bunch of churches until I found one I could stand. And I started going. And I got used to it. Now I minister and teach new people. Funny like that . You have something to offer a church. Everyone does. GO.

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13y ago

The closest answer would be Theist. Theists believe in a god or gods, but the term does not denote any specific religion.

Agnostic may also be the word you are looking for.

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14y ago

There is a name: it is called deism.

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When you believe in one God what is it called?

The belief in one God is called monotheism. A religion that believes in one God is said to be monotheistic.

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Yes he is called Allah.

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Atheist if they don't believe in God. Agnostic if they follow no particular religion but DO believe in a higher presence.

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If you do not have a religion what are you called?

Non-religious. A person who does not believe in God is called an atheist. A person who doubts the existence of God is called agnostic.

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the person who brang religion in Arabia was no one! Muslims (who believe the religion called Islam) believe that Allah (god) created the religion from the beginning of time which is also written down in their holy book called the quran.

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Many religions don't believe in a monotheistic god. However atheism is the religion that does not believe in any god.

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we believe in one religion and unity as humans.. we believe in the One God and only religion to be Humanism... we believe that humans are the only religion and our duties from God r only to love, live, help, and remember God.

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we are called as the son and daughter of God,we dont need any religion just love god with all your heart,soul and mind and have faith in him.

What religion are you if you don't believe in any god?

You are an Athiest, though if you don't believe in any god, it isn't a religion either.