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If you shave your underarm, it could be ingrown hairs that got infected.

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Q: What is it if you have a small hard painful red bump on your underarm?
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you have aids, no jk its probably herpes

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a penis

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A small, painless bump behind the ear of a child can be many different things. Some causes of this include mastoiditis, dermatitis, swollen lymph nodes, sebaceous cysts, cancers, and parasitic infections.

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It is the dog version of a belly button.

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Horsefly bites are red and form a small bump on the skin. The bump turns hard and may develop a pustule on top.

What is a small hard bump on?

its best to go to the doctors and get it checked out because it could be anything,,so that's your best bet

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Hi i have a bump next to my right hip like right above my appendix and it is hard and hurts to the touch i dont know what it is what do you think it might be ? should i worry also its very painful like a nife stabbing my side

What could be a hard bump on the lower abdomen by the penis?

It could be a swollen lymph node... or something serious... you should contact a doctor if it doesn't go away (or if it is painful right now).

What is a small hard bump on finger?

its best to go to the doctors and get it checked out because it could be anything,,so that's your best bet

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It sounds like a benign (not harmful) cyst. Cysts are small balloons of fluid that feel hard to the touch. If the lump on your rib rapidly gets larger, becomes discolored or painful, talk to your doctor.

What is this hard bump on your palm?

It is a bone

What is a hard bump at the base of a toenail?

A hard bump at the base of a toe could be a bunion. There are several remedies available including shoe inserts.