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Election manifesto is a vision and misssion of contestent political parties that stand for upcoming election. This is an agenda for future plan made by the political parties wittheir the voters. If any political parties win the election that is bound to implement to the same that was pre-committed with the people.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Election manifesto is a statement by a political party,explaining what it will do if they win the elections.Through election manifesto the voters come to know about the policies of the political party they are going to vote for.They can easily think that which party will prove the best for them,they can decide that with whose policies they want to go.therefore an election manifesto is very important.

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11y ago

Election Manifesto are set of promises made by political parties to the people on account of an election. It works like this: "a political party through its manifesto says - if you vote for me then I will do this for you".

1. Canvassing of vote for political parties
2. Helps people to decide which party to vote for
3. People get know what can they get from the parties in the next five years etc;

But, DON'T ask me whether political parties keep up their word. You know the answer yourself.

-Prathik Shetty

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10y ago

Declaration of policies to be implemented by the concerned party if voted to form the Government.

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