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nInvolves selecting a group of people because they have particular traits that the researcher wants to studyne.g. consumers of a particular product or service in some types of market research

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Q: What is judgemental sampling?
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What is judgemental sampling in analytical chemistry?

Judgmental sampling in analytical chemistry involves selecting samples based on the analyst's judgement or expertise, rather than on a randomly chosen basis. This method is often used when the analyst has prior knowledge about the samples or wants to focus on specific areas of interest. However, judgmental sampling may introduce bias and may not be representative of the entire population.

How would you use the word judgemental in a sentence?

That person is being judgemental.

What is the correct spelling of non-judgemental?


What are the various kind of sampling?

They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.

Which one is called non probability sampling a. cluster sampling b.quota sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling?

Answer is Quota sampling. Its one of the method of non-probability sampling.

What is sampling in research?

Sampling techniques in researching involves to types of sampling. The probability sampling and the non-probability sampling. Simple random is an example of probability sampling.

Is convenience sampling method not a random sampling?

You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

Define the four different sampling techniques?

1) Simple random sampling 2) Systematic sampling 3) Stratified sampling 4) Cluster sampling 5) Probability proportional to size sampling 6) Matched random sampling 7) Quota sampling 8) Convenience sampling 9) Line-intercept sampling 10) Panel sampling

What are the sources of sampling errors?

Sampling and Non sampling errors