

What is la bateau?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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la bateau is French for the boat.

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Bateau-mouche sur la Seine was created in 1896.

What is a bateau?

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What does the French word Bateau mean?

'un bateau' is a ship in French.

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N. Koulavsky has written: 'Le bateau ivre dans la poetique de Rimbaud'

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These boats on the Seine river are called "bateau-mouche", pl. "des bateaux-mouches"

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le bateau?

boat, ship

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Le bateau - 1999 was released on: USA: 20 February 1999 (Cinequest Film Festival)

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Boat bateau Ferry-boat paquebot Large ship navire Warship "navire de guerre" or "bateau guerrier" Sail-boat voilier

What is a bateau mouche?

mouche is fly and bateau is cake, so ''cake fly'' or perhaps fly on the cake! I must offer a correction: Bateau in French is boat. Perhaps you were thinking of gateau, which is a kind of fruit cake. Mouche does not simply mean 'fly', that is but one possible meaning of the word as used in the phrase "Bateau Mouche". A mouche is also a specific type of boat.

How do you write boat in french?

un bateau