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My whole troop actually earned a Bronze Award. Here are some of the different things everyone did.

1) If you like sewing, you could make quilts or blankets and bring them to a shelter.

2) Animal shelters are always looking for donations. Organize a fundraiser to collect animal food, toys and the necessities (water dishes, brushes and combs, stuff to clean the poop, etc.)

3) My mom had a friend who runs an organization that delivers food and supplies for soldiers away from their homes. I made bags full of fun stuff like mini games and brain teasers.

There is so much to do when you are working towards your Bronze Award. If you are stuck, don't be afraid to ask your Girl Scout leader.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The things a Girl Scout learns by completing the Girl Scout Bronze award include leadership, planning and organization, and working with others.

She might also learn about herself and her interests.

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10y ago

You should meet with your Girl Scout Junior Team to come up with ideas for your Girl Scout Bronze Award project. The team works together to come up with the ideas for your Take Action Bronze Award Project. The project is supposed to show what Girl Scouts can do in their own communities, so your team needs to come up with ideas that work for your community.

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The answer depends on the policy of the local council or organization which runs the Girl Scout camp, so contact the council or organization to find out the cancellation policy. Many Girl Scout camps set a minimum number of registrations they must have in order to hold the camp. This is so that they will not lose money by holding the camp. If the registrations do not meet this minimum, the camp will be canceled, usually within a week or two after the registration deadline. Some Girl Scout councils will give the option of registering for another camp that still has open spots. Another reason for canceling Girl Scout camp might be due to weather or other natural causes such as flooding.

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Why would you choose to become a Girl Scout volunteer?

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