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Q: What is length of neuron?
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Their is none

What is impulse propagation?

It is the traveling of the electrical signal down the length of a neuron.

What is the actual length of a human neuron in metric units?

depends, could be over a meter long, could be less than a millimetre, it all depends upon if you have a sensory/motoric neuron or a switching-neuron

A single neuron cell can be over a meter long due to the length of its?


What is total length of neuron in human body?

The length of a human nerve cell ranges from a fraction of a inch to several feet while it's diameter is 0.001mm to 1 mm.

Where is the neuron?

The Inter-neuron (also known as the local circuit neuron, relay neuron or the association neuron) is the neuron which connects the afferent and the efferent neurons in the neural pathways.

Where do motor neurons carry signals from?

The entire signal travels in the neuron by a graded potential which is created in the dendrites and the body (soma) of the neuron, then it reaches a spot of the neuron which is called the axon-hillock where the signal now for the first time has encountered "voltage-gated channels" and now can create an Action potential that can propagate through the terminus of the neuron which is the length of the axon.

Specialized cell that makes up the nervous system?

The cells that makes up the nervous system is the Inter-neuron (circuit neuron), sensory neuron and motor neuron.

Why is a neuron called an interneuron?

A neuron is called a inter-neuron because that specific neuron takes impulse from one neuron to a next neuron. For example your sensory neuron sends a impulse that you had felt a hot object. It goes through the spine to a inter-neuron to a motor neuron (this processes is called a reflex). Then the motor neuron tells your muscles in your hand to move

Define relay neuron?

a relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord or the brain

What is the function of relay neuron?

A relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord then to the brain.

What is the 3 types of neuron?

one type of neuron is the motor neuron