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Diet Coke , i tried it in 5th grade it works

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Why is Diet Coke lighter than normal coke?

its not lighter it just has less sugar

What is the average weight of a wooden pallet of coca-cola cases?

It depends whether it's Coke or Diet Coke. Diet Coke is lighter.

Which is darker coke or Diet Coke?

Diet Coke is darker.

What acids are there in Diet Coke?

diet coke has acid in it just less than coke diet coke does not have sugar either which coke and coke zero has

Which is better Diet Coke or coke what ingredients does Diet Coke have and coke has?

diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!

What is better for the coke and Mentos experiment Diet Coke or Full-Fat Coke?

Diet Coke

Witch explodes faster with mentos in it Diet Coke or reguler coke?

diet coke the ingredients they put in with the diet coke reacts faster then regular coke.

What has more aspartame diet Pepsi or diet coke?

diet coke

What are the masses of Diet Coke and regular Coke?

I got 384 g for Coke, and 375 g for Diet Coke.

Why does regular coke sink but Diet Coke floats?

Diet coke is less dense than regular coke.

Why is diet coke named diet coke?

Because the coke is 'diet', meaning it has less calories than the regular one.

Do cans float?

The Diet Coke can floats because the sugar they put in regular Coke has been substituted by a lighter (less dense) substance (a healthier type of sweetness). The sugar is much denser that the artificial sweetener, so the Coke sinks and the Diet Coke floats.