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The time for Venus to complete a full spin is about 243 Earth days. That period is called a "sidereal day".

Mercury's orbital period around the Sun (its year) is only about 88 days.

So, the day on Venus is longer than the year on Mercury.

(There's also another definition of "day", called a "solar day". For Venus that's about 117 Earth days long. So, for either sort of "day" the answer's the same.)

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11y ago
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14y ago

On the planet Mercury, a year (the length of time it takes for Mercury to orbit the Sun once) is just slightly less than 88 days. It takes 58.65 Earth Days (about two thirds of a Mercurial year) for Mercury to rotate once on its axis. This is called a 'sidereal' day. But because a Mercurial year is relatively short, and a Mercurial rotation takes so long, the combined effect of these two factors means that from one sunrise to the next takes 176 Earth days. If you were standing at certain points on Mercury's surface, you could watch the sun rise, then reverse itself and sink below the horizon again, before rising a second time, all during one 176-Earth-day Mercurial day.

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11y ago

There are about 225 Earth days in 1 year (time to orbit the Sun) on Venus.

A "sidereal day" for Venus (rotation time) is about 243 Earth days.

The "solar day" for Venus (based on the position of the Sun) is about 117

Earth days. This "day" depends on the orbital motion of a planet around the Sun, as well as its rotation time.

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15y ago

A year on Mercury (88 days) is longer than a day on Mercury (58 days).

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13y ago

shorter, it would be three years on earth!

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11y ago

The year (about 225 Earth days) is longer than the solar day (about 117 Earth


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12y ago

its the length of your mom and shes pretty fat

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Q: How does the length of a day on Venus compare with a length of its year?
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How does the length of a day on Venus compare with the length of it a year?

its the length of your mom and shes pretty fat

What planet has the greatest similarity between the length of its day and the length of its year?

Venus. The "day" (rotation period or sidereal day) is longer than the year! Venus Sidereal day: 243 Earth days. Venus Year: 224.7 Earth days.

Length of a day on Venus?

See answer given for length of Venus day in hours.

What day on Venus is the same to earth?

Well, their day length is 5,832 hours and their year is 225 days

Why is a day on Venus so long?

The length of one day on Venus is the same as 243 Earth days. This is because Venus rotates backwards compared to the other planets in the solar system. A day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus.

Length of day and night for Venus?

the length of a day on Venus is 243 Earth days and a year on Venus is 225 Earth days!

How does the length of a day on venus compare with the length of its year?

Venus takes 243 days to spin on its axis relative to the background stars, while it takes 224.7 days to orbit the sun. Although its spin on its axis is longer that its orbital period, an apparent day is 116.75 days, since it spins in the other direction to Earth and most other planets.

Which planet's day is closest in length to its year?

Venus. The rotational (day) period is243.2 earth days, and the sidereal (year) period is 224.7 earth days, the only planet in our solar system that has a year that is shorter than a day.

What is the length of day for Venus's?

A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days. Long time...

Length of day of Venus's?

An apparent or solar day on Venus is 116.75 days (this is not the same as its rotational period relative to the background stars, which is 243 days).

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There are different definitions for day, but on average the Martian day is 38 minutes longer than the Earth day.

How does gravity affect length of day?

It doesn't. For instance ... Earth & Venus have almost the same gravity yet Venus' day is about a year long Whereas Mars has but a quarter of Earth's gravity and its day is almost identical.