

What is loud waves?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is loud waves?
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How loud are sound waves?


Does a soft sound have tall waves?

No, soft sound waves have short waves. Loud sound waves are the ones that have tall waves.

What makes sound loud?

it depends how much energy is used making the sound the more energy the louder because sound waves are transverse waves and waves are a reapeating disturbance of energy

What control how loud or soft sound is?

The size of the sound waves emitted

What type of energy is given out by a loud speaker?

Sound waves and heat.

What makes microphones make your voice loud?

A microphone, by itself, does not make your voice loud. It changes the sound waves your voice makes in analogous electric signals. These signals can be sent to an amplifier and speakers to make you voice sound loud. The amplifier increases the amplitude of the electric waves so that when they are sent to a speaker and changed back into sound waves, they will be louder.

Why can't we produce ultrasonic waves by loud speakers?

Loud speakers can produce ultrasonic waves. But since the normal purpose of loud speakers is to produce sounds for people to hear, there is seldom a reason to produce sounds that people can't hear (other than to annoy certain animals).

How do small speakers make loud noises?

Because waves are very strong

How loud a sound seems is determined by what measurement of the sound waves?

Loudness is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves.

How loud speaker can increase the power of sound?

it amplifies the sound actually, by strengthening the waves. the sound waves are converted into equivalent electrical waves and then it amplifies and later those electrical waves are converted the sound waves . the principle of electromagnetic induction is applied here.

How are music waves harmful to humans?

Any loud noise (music or otherwise) can damage your ears.

Can sound waves shatter diamonds?

I am pretty sure that that should be possible, if the sound amplitude is strong enough. Of course, it might be difficult to produce such loud sound waves.