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Fe is the chemical symbol for the element iron.

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Q: What is meaning Fe?
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What is the meaning of the name iron?

It means iron, the metal known with the chemical symbol Fe.

What is FE component or FEC in a research project?

Foreign Exchange (FE) or Foreign Exchange Component, meaning, an estimated cost for the project given in US$ (US dollars).

Which is the chemical symbol used for iron?

The symbol for the element iron is Fe. Ferrous is the latin for Iron - Fe is the abbreviated letters for this latin word. Hence the chemical symbol for iron is Fe from its latin origination. Fe is the abbreviation for ferrum, which is Latin for iron. The word also gives us "ferrous" meaning "containing iron". It comes from the Latin as in ferrous etc.

What is the chemical name for 2Fe?

'Fe' is two molar ratios of iron. 'The symbol 'Fe' comes from the Latin word 'Ferrum', meaning 'Iron'.

What is Fe the symbol for?

If your question is referring to chemical symbols, the symbol Fe refers to the element iron. In the periodic table, it can be found in Group 8 and period 4.

What is the chemical name of iron?

Iron is the standard chemical name. 'Ferric' is used to refer specifically to a compound containing iron in the 3+ oxidation state, while 'ferrous' is used for the 2+ state. Both originate in the Latin name ferrum, meaning iron.

What is the symbol and number of protons in iron?

The symbol for iron is Fe from the Latin word ferrum meaning iron. there are 26 protons in iron.

What number of Fe atoms and what amount of Fe atoms are in 500 g of Fe?

Known/Given:1 mole of Fe = 55.845g Fe (its atomic weight in grams)1 mole of Fe = 6.022 x 1023 atoms Fe (from Avogadro's number)Convert grams Fe to moles Fe.600.0g Fe x 1mol Fe/55.845g Fe = 10.74mol FeConvert moles Fe to atoms Fe.10.74mol Fe x 6.022 x 1023atoms Fe/1mol Fe = 6.468 x 1024atoms Fe

What will convert Fe plus 3 to Fe plus 2?

fe+3=..............* .9 =fe+2

What is meaning of FE 415?

I am going to guess that FE 415 is a designation for a certain college class. I also guess the prefix FE means Fundamentals of Engineering. The 4 in 415 probably means that the class is generally taken by seniors or 4th year students. Or it could mean any number of other things...FE could mean could stand for Flying Elephant...You probably should be more specific.