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Q: What is meant by coding of stimulus intensity?
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What are the four characteristics of a stimulus in stimulus coding?

Focal, context, residual, & culture

What stimulus below this intensity will result in no response in a neuron?

Threshold stimulus

What is the type of feedback where the net effect is that the output of the system shuts off the original stimulus or reduces its intensity?

In a negative feedback loop, the output of the system decreases the intensity of the stimulus.

Receptors provide information about the intensity of a stimulus through?

the frequency of their action potentials

The smallest intensity of a stimulus that you can detect 50 percent of the time is?

Absoulute threshold

What is the minimal intensity of stimulation necessary to trigger a muscle contraction?

threshold stimulus

What is the smallest increase or increase in the intensity of a stimulus a person can detect?

just noticeable difference

How does the brain perceive the intensity of a stimulus?

There are a number of different ways that the brain perceives stimuli. If a person is hurt, the brain sends a reaction to the body. If something good happens, the brain sends good reactions to the body.

During the absolute refractory period an impulse may be triggered by a stimulus of high intensity?


Just noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the intensity of an initial stimulus is this weber's law?

difference threshold

What is the plural form of stimilus?

Assuming you meant 'stimulus' - it's stimuli

What is meant by pitch in sound?

it is basically the intensity with which one speaks