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fractionaly removal of the water

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Q: What is meant by fraction as applied to fraction distillation?
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What mixture can be applied by distillation?

salt dissolved in water can b applied by distillation.

Who is distillation different from fractional distillation?

Fractional distillation is applied when many components exist an the differences between boiling points are under 25 oC.

How do gas law applied on vacuum evaporator?

which gas law applied on rotary vaccum distillation

How is naphtha fraction separated from the other fractions?

By fractional distillation.

What is km as a fraction?

The answer depends on what it is meant to be a fraction of!

What is the name of the process used to obtain fraction from crude oil?

The process used to obtain fractions from crude oil is called fractional distillation. This process involves separating the different components of crude oil based on their boiling points.

How is a cup expressed as a fraction?

The answer depends on what it is meant to be a fraction of.

What is the use of distillation adapter?

A distillation adapter has one primary use. That primary use is in organic chemistry processes. It is meant to hold a thermometer to determine boiling point.

What is fraction distillation used for?

To separate liquids that are mixed together - provided they have clearly different boiling points.

What is a fraction concerning the fractional distillation of petroleum?

Exemples: white spirit, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.

What is 7 yards in a fraction?

The answer depends on what it is meant to be a fraction of! It is 0.003977 of a mile.

What scientific technique is applied to obtain ethyl alcohol from the mixture of ethyl alcohol and water?

The common method is distillation.