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The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a fixed point

in one second.

The unit is "Hertz" or "Cycles". The dimension is "per second". (Reciprocal time.)

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2w ago

The frequency of a wave is the number of complete cycles of the wave that pass a point in a given time. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz is equal to 1 cycle per second.

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Which is the term for the unit that measures wave frequency?

The term for the unit that measures wave frequency is hertz, abbreviated as Hz.

The unit of a frequency wave?

Hz (hertz)

What is it meant by the frequency of a wave?

If "troth - peak - troth" is considered as one "cycle" then the number of cycles that occur (go past you) in a unit of time [usually minutes or seconds] is called the "frequency".

Is the number of wave per unit of time?


What unit is used to express the frequency of a wave?

The unit used to express the frequency of a wave is Hertz (Hz). It represents the number of complete cycles or oscillations of a wave that occur in one second.

Is frequency of a sound wave defined as the amount of energy passing through a unit area of the wave front in a unit of time?

No, the frequency of a sound wave is the number of wave cycles that pass a given point in one second, measured in hertz. It represents how many times a sound wave repeats in a specific period of time, not the amount of energy passing through a unit area in a unit of time.

When frequency of a wave increases what else increases?

When the frequency of a wave increases, the energy of the wave increases and the wavelength decreases.

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Do the two terms wave speed and wave frequency refer to the same thing?

No, wave speed and wave frequency are not the same thing. Wave speed refers to how fast a wave travels through a medium, while wave frequency is the number of oscillations or cycles of a wave that occur per unit of time.

Is wavelength the number of wave cycles in a given unit of time?

No, wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks (or troughs) of a wave. The number of wave cycles in a given unit of time is referred to as frequency.

Hertz Hz is the unit used to measure a wave's?

Hertz means cycles per second. That is its' frequency.

What are the number of complete wave length per unit of times is called?

That's the "frequency" of the wave.