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The term financial domination refers to an overbearing female and a submissive male. The female coerces money from the male in a number of ways, including manipulation techniques. The male involved generally finds the process alluring.

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Q: What is meant by the phrase financial domination?
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What is Financial Domination Therapy?

Financial Domination Therapy is help assisting men who have an addiction to Financial Domination curb or stop their Financial Domination addiction all together. What is Financial Domination? Financial Domination is the act of one person, usually a man, often a man with submissive tendencies, who enjoys giving money to, usually a woman. The man gets any number of results from doing Financial Domination. He may feel satisfied, he may enjoy giving to a woman, usually a Dominant woman who he personally enjoys. He may enjoy the sheer act of giving his money away as a form of power exchange. This may be done with random women, Financial Dommes or women he offers to buy things for. Often a man will be aroused when doing so, but not always. It is a fetish much like any other fetish. But because it involves giving money, some Financial Domination enthusiasts get addicted to the feeling they get from doing it. Because this fetish is very much a niche fetish, very little is known about it. It is unlike other addictions in the traditional sense, and yet can be similar. What does Financial Domination Therapy entail? Therapy may include any number of traditional and non-traditional methods to assist in the recovery process. While it is an addiction, much like a drug or alcohol addiction, the steps taken to assure full recovery are complex and not the same as the afore mentioned addictions. Recovery time can be as short as one session, to many months. It depends on the individual and the type of approach needed to assist in the recovery process. It is highly encouraged that men who fall under the Financial Domination addiction umbrella seek a qualified Financial Domination therapist. No one offered this service until I did, so beware of who you seek out. Others have emulated My original idea, and are using it to exploit the addiction. My profile gives more detailed resources.

What is meant by the phrase your financial commitments?

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