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It is the lowest allowed energy state of an atom, molecule, or ion.

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When this atom has the lowest energy state.

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Q: What is meant when a atom is In ground state?
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The ground state electron configuration of the hydrogen atom is 1s1, and for helium it is 1s2.

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An atom of antimony in its ground state has 3 unpaired electrons.

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Ground state

An atom in its lowest possible energy state is in what state?

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What is the lowest energy stationary state of an atom?

The ground state

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The ground state.

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What is HTE difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

Atom in the ground state is stable but atom in excited state is not stable the main reason for this is their energies.Atoms in excited state has more energy so they undergo chemical reaction so they are not stable but atoms in ground state has less energy than the excited state so they dont undergo chemical reaction.

What is the ground-state electron configuration of a neutral atom of manganese?

The ground-state electron configuration for a neutral atom of manganese is: 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s2 or [Ar]3d54s2