

What is mechanically weathering?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Mechanical Weathering is when a rock, for example, is broken down by man, animals ect.

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Q: What is mechanically weathering?
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What is the type of weathering that mechanically breaks down rocks?


How do prairie dogs mechanically weather rock?

They burrow which is mechanically weathering, because when they burrow they loosen it into sediments physically.

Does the rate of chemical weathering increase or stay the same when the rocks becomes more mechanically weathered?

The rate of chemical weathering increases when a rock becomes more mechanically weathered, also called abrasion.

How does both tree roots and prairie dogs mechanically weather rock?

They burrow which is mechanically weathering, because when they burrow they loosen it into sediments physically

How can weathering mechanically and chemically change the earth?

Mechanical weathering or physical weathering changes the earth by causing rocks to crumble. Mechanical weathering has the same effect when rocks heat up and cool down

How is mechanically weathering caused by ice wedging similar to mechanical weathering caused by plant roots?

because iits formed by it difrent minarels

Why is physical weathering also known as mechanical weathering?

Physical weathering is caused by elements of nature. It is known as mechanical weathering to distinguish it from the other types of weathering namely chemical and biological. It occurs mechanically, by the breakdown due to natural components.

What agent of weathering can affect a rock both chemically and mechanically?

Hail. when it melts, water can damage the rock.

Does the rate at which a rock undergoes chemical weathering increase or stay the same when the rock becomes more mechanically weathered why?

The rate will increase due to the increase in surface area available for attack by chemical weathering.

Does the rate of chemical weathering increase or stay the same when a rock becomes more mechanical weathered?

The rate of chemical weathering increases when a rock becomes more mechanically weathered, also called abrasion.

What are two ways rocks are mechanically weathered?

Two forms of mechanical weathering are frost heaving and plant root wedging. All forms of mechanical weathering result in the breakage of rock into smaller size particles.

How rocks are mechanically weatherd?

When rocks are broken down without any change to their chemical compositions it is mechanical weathering. Causes of mechanical weathering are Freezing and melting of water, Abrasion, when the rock is weather by an abrasive agent such as wind and sand, and exfoliation occurs when a rock is brought to the surface.