

What is metal in sodium hydroxide?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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The metal is sodium.

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Q: What is metal in sodium hydroxide?
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Is sodium hydroxide a metal?

No, sodium hydroxide is a compound.

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Hydrogen gas is given out when sodium hydroxide reacts with a metal.

Sodium hydroxide soluble or low sulbility?

sodium hydroxide is soluble becauce it is an alkali metal

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The easiest way of remembering whether something is a base is by remembering: "A base is a metal oxide, metal hydroxide, or ammonia." Sodium Hydroxide comes under the metal hydroxide category, so yes, it is a base.

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a metal salt that contains the hydroxide ion, OH- For example sodium hydroxide, NaOH, calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2

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The reactants are sodium and oxygen, which normally forms sodium oxide in air. The sodium metal disassociates water into hydroxide ions (OH) and hydrogen (H), and combines preferentially with the hydroxide to form sodium hydroxide. This is a highly exothermic reaction that can rapidly accelerate as the sodium melts.

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A hydroxide contain the group hydroxyl (-OH) and a metal; example: sodium hydroxide, NaOH.

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Water and sodium metal are reactants to produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. H2O + Na ==> NaOH + H2 !! VERY dangerous !! Sodium Metal and Water

What substance is composed of a metal plus a hydroxide?

A base (also called an alkali) is a substance that consists of a metal ion combined with a hydroxide ion. Examples are sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.

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no reaction