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Q: What is mild increased renal cortical echogenicity?
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Your ultrasound shows mild increase in the cortical echogenicity of both kidneys but your renal tests are normal. Ultrasound tests done earlier never indicated this before Is this sign of kidney?

This is essentially a normal kidney ultrasound. A mild cortical echogenicity in both kidneys, and normal renal function can occur in pregnancy when your over-all blood volume is increased.

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renal parenchyal echogenicity crf mild

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mild fullness of left renal collecting system

What is bilateral mild increased renal parenchymal disease?

Bilateral renal disease affects the kidneys and functions of the genitourinary system of the body. A physician who gives this diagnosis will explain the disease and treatment options.

How do you control the mild diffuse cortical atrophy?

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What does multiple small follicles in peripheral distribution with mild increase in stromal echogenicity means?

The multiple small follicles in peripheral distribution with mild increase in stromal echogenity means that there is an infection.

What is mild frontoparietal cortical atrophy?

Mild frontoparietal cortical atrophy is a condition characterized by shrinking of the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. This can lead to symptoms such as difficulty with memory, problem-solving, and other cognitive functions. It is often associated with aging or neurodegenerative disorders.

What is pyelocaliectasis?

Mild dilatation of the collecting system of the kidney-- calyces and renal pelvis.

What is left kidney with mild pelvocaliectasis?

A left kidney with mild pelvocaliectasis means that the kidney has a dilated renal pelvis as well as calyces. This can be see through an ultrasound and it curable.

What is mild diffuse cortical volume loss?

This refers to a reduction in the volume of the brain's cortex. The cortex is on the brain's surface and it is comprised of a thick nerve cell layer.

What is mild cortical atrophy?

AnswerCortical (brain-related) atrophy means wasting away and decrease in size of gray matter of brain. Diffuse means the wasting is generalizedGeneralized anxiety disorder, not confined to one particular area. Age related may mean the result of aging (over 55-60).

What is mild diffuse atrophy?

It means a loss of neurons and the connections between them in the brain. Atrophy means loss of cells