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Typically, students are not considered full-time during the summer, nor is there a need to be for financial aid purposes. Some students will take one or two courses per summer session, but not as a requirement, but as a matter of preference.

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A full-time student must take a minimum credit load of 6 credits.

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6-8 credits

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usually 12

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Q: What is minimum credits for full time college student during summer?
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The average college student spends five dollars a day on coffee. During a typical school week this amounts to twenty-five dollars.

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I know of a student trainer for Alabama during Bear Bryant's day and I believe that he received one.

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Is it actually compulsory for every college and university student to get summer jobs?

No. If you have student loans, however, then it will pay you to find a permanent part-time job during college. You will then have less to pay off. That's how I got rid of all my student loans only a year after I had to start paying them back. Sure it sucks when you fall asleep in early morning chemistry class when you just got off the graveyard shift at 7am, but most of my friends who didn't do that are still paying off their student loans years after leaving college. It also looks really good in an interview if they see that you worked during college.