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Both the brain and the heart is important. If there are no brain, the heart would not be able to work. And if there are no heart, the brain would not have enough blood to function.

The heat keeps beating when the brain is dead but only for a few secs.. but when the heart quits beating you have with in 5 min be for the patients is dead. and with in that time doctors can shock you back to life

So i say the Brain is more important.
the brain, because if the heart stops you might still live but if the brain stops then your dead

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They are both equally important to the sustaining of life. If either ceases to function then you die. A heart can be kept beating in a brain dead patient with the help of machines, but the person is no more. There is no brain activity.

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Q: What is more important the heart or the brain?
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Which is more important to the function of the human body the brain or the heart?

Both the brain and the heart are important to the function of the human body. If the brain is dead but the heart is still beating, the person is alive. However, if the heart stops, it means the person is dead. Therefore, the heart is more important.

Is the brain more important than the heart?

No. The brain is the most important. The brain is the body's "computer" center. It tells the heart when to beat, it controls all functions in the body. Without the brain you are dead.

Which one is most important heart or brain?

Heart is more important than your brain. When you fall in love you give your heart and not the brain. There are more songs on heart than brain. When it comes to learning also, your teacher and parents advice you to learn by heart. Joke apart, both the organs are vital for you and such comparison can not be done. You can not survive with non functioning heart. You can survive with non functioning brain. There is no meaning to existence with non functioning brain.

What did the Egyptians consider more important the Herat or the brain?

The heart. When embalming a dead body, the heart would also be embalmed, but the brain would be discarded.

Which organ is most important heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain will not get blood and if brain will not get blood it will damage

Which is the most important organ in your body heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain do not get blood and so brain will damage

What weights more brain or heart?


What has more blood your heart or your brain?


What is more important Heart or Brian?

Both are very important.DETAILS-THE HEART: Some would say the heart is more important because it pumps blood to all parts of the body, including the brain. Without the blood in the brain, the brain would not be able to control involuntary activities such as heart beat. Basically, the brain needs the heart to pump blood to it.THE BRAIN:There is one part of the brain that controls involuntary activities such as heart beat. (The name of that part is the medulla) Without the medulla, the heart would never be able to pump blood to other parts of the body. Even though, you still need the heart to pump blood to the brain to let it function and control.OPINION-In my opinion truly, I think the heart is the most important because of the latest technology, machines are able to act like medullas and control heart beating. But, in order to live a wonderful life, both organs the heart & the brain are needed. :) DEFINITIONS-Involuntary activities- actions that the body cannot control, it just happens. (examples: breathing, digesting, heart beat.)Medulla- a part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the brain. It controls involuntary activities.(located on the bottom of the brain and is the smallest part of the brain.)

Does drugs effect the heart or the brain more?

The brain.

Does the heart weight more or less than the brain lungs or kidney?

brain wight is more than that of heart

Which organ uses more energy heart or brain?

The brain.