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Q: What is more popular soccer or football in the US?
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Why are Mexican soccer teams popular in the US?

Because football was more popular in mexico before it was in the US and they brought it over to the US.

Which sport is watched more football or basketball?

That is true in a way. In the US basketball is more popular than soccer. That is why basketball players are paid more. In other countries, soccer is more popular so soccer players get paid more. Soccer in the US is becoming increasingly popular. Soon soccer players could be paid as much as basketball players.

What is the popular name of football in the US?

In the USA you have American football and soccer.

What sports do US play?

everyone of them, although some sports like baseball, basketball, football, and soccer/football, are more popular

What is the most popular us spectator sport?

Soccer- worldwide Football- U.S.

What are the most popular kinds of sport in US?

soccer baseball and football

Why do Americans not care about soccer?

I think that soccer is neglected by Americans because of the simple fact that it is a sport that has been taken over by the American sport called football. Football has been america's game for a long time and I do not think that is going to change. Don't get me wrong soccer is a on going game in america but not as popular as football.

What is the most common sport in Ukraine?

Football (not American football. In the US it would be known as soccer)

What is the Percent of soccer fans vs football fans?

Worldwide, there are literally billions more people who play and watch football than those who watch American football. The US is the only country where American football is more popular than football.

What are the most popular sports at US Naval Academy?

At US naval Academy the popular sports are: Football, Soccer and water sports

Has world participation in soccer increased over the past 50 years?

Yes it has. Football (US aka - Soccer) is the most popular sport in the world, So every year, every championship there are more and more teams, more internationl teams, who never had a football team before. Football is going on!

Why is soccer more popular than American football around the world?

Soccer is considered more popular because more people play it around the world. American football is not played by youth groups except in Canada and the US, limiting its appeal in countries outside of North America. In addition soccer is less equipment intensive so the cost to play the game is substantially lower than it is for American Football.