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Fracture - but it depends on the type of it or how severe was it.

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Q: What is more severe fracture or sprain or dislocation?
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What is the difference between fracture and a sprain?

a dislocation is always between two or more articulating joint while a fracture is discontinuation of a bone. physically in fractures there might be change in length of the extremity while they wouldn't be any change in dislocation

How Long does a sprained or broken ankle usually take to heal?

It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain

What is a ligament tear in the knee How long do you need for it to heal from the day it was torn if there was a pop Is the best treatment to have it held in place tied together until the pop is gone?

If you have a tear in a ligament it is called a sprain. Sprains come in different degrees depending on how much is torn. A mild sprain can be treated with RICE (Rest Ice Compression and Elevation). If you heard a pop, then most likely you suffered a dislocation. That is more severe because it involves a forceful separation of a joint and more severe tearing of ligaments with possible damage to the joint capsule. I am not sure how you are keeping it tied together, but anytime there is a possibility of a dislocation or a break there is usually loss of function in the joint, or the nearest joint if it is a break. The best thing to do if you hear a pop, since it could be a dislocation or a break, is to get it x-rayed and checked out by a doctor.

What happens when you break your ribs?

Bones are tough but they can still break for many reasons. When a bone is broken, it is called a fracture and it can break in many different ways, like a complete fracture is when it is broken in two, or an open fracture where its sticking through your skin. Anyways, it takes time to heal depending what has happened, but it will heal in time.

What is the difference between a grade 2 sprain and a grade 1 sprain?

A grade 1 sprain is a mild injury where there is minimal stretching or tearing of ligaments. In contrast, a grade 2 sprain is a moderate injury involving partial tearing of ligaments, leading to more pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. Grade 2 sprains typically take longer to heal and may require more intensive treatment.

Do you need a cast if you sprain your wrist?

Typically doctors will provide an ankle sprain patient with a splint or cohesive wrap, but in some more severe cases a cast could be applied, but not typically.

What is a stable pelvic fracture?

A stable fracture is one in which the pelvis remains stable and involves one break-point in the pelvic ring with minimal hemorrhage.

Where can one find information on joint dislocation?

One can find information on joint dislocation in advanced biography books on the human body. In addition, one can learn more on joint dislocation by talking with doctors.

What is the description of sprain?

its because of more force that we make

A fracture in which a broken bone pokes through the skin?

Its referred to as a compound fracture or open fracture. See the related link for more information.

In Sport what exactly is a high ankle sprain?

It's a sprain in the upper ligament of your ankle. These are usually much more painful and take longer to heal. (I had one about 2 months ago and they suck). The only good part is that with a high ankle sprain there is less of a chance of recurring problems as compared to a low ankle sprain aka. regular sprain.

What colour is a broken foot?

A broken foot can either be a dark purple/blue, or just red and/or swollen depending on how severe the break is. If it's a fracture, that chances are there will be slight discoloration and swelling. Another (less likely) option is it's a compound fracture (where the entire bone is snapped in half). You are more likely to see severe internal bleeding and possible external. If this is the case, i suggest you go to the hospital ASAP.