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Q: What is most likely to imitate calcium's role in the function of neurons?
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Are neuroglia or neuron likely to give rise to tumor why?

Neuroglia are non conductive and provide a support system for the neurons. They are not likely to spread, but doctors still treat them as malignant and treat the symptoms.

Who carries messages from the sense organs to the central nervous system?

other nerve cells... The brain is made up of nerve cells (also called neurons). There are neurons both in the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. The communication between neurons occurs with release of neurotransmitters (chemicals that affect the surface of neurons). The release of neurotransmitters occurs when an electrical impulse travels down the neuron and causes the neuron to "fire" off neurotransmitter. This electrical impulse is called an "action potential." The release of neurotransmitter can have one of two possible effects on the "receiving" neuron, depending on which neurotransmitter binds with which neuron. It can make the receiving neuron either more likely to fire (excitatory) or less likely to fire (inhibitory). The result of this activity in billions of neurons creates quite a symphony, including everything we call thought.

What tissue looks like a tree branch with spotty cells?

The tissue that looks like a tree branch with spotty cells is nervous tissue. Nervous tissue consists of neurons (nerve cells) interconnected in a branching network resembling tree branches. The "spotty" appearance is likely referring to the cell bodies (soma) of neurons located along these interconnected branches.

What organ did this cell most likely come from in a cell with branch like structures?

The cell most likely came from the nervous system, specifically a neuron. Neurons have branch-like structures called dendrites and axons that help transmit electrical signals within the nervous system.

How does synaptic integration determine if a nerve impulse is generated or not generated in a neuron?

Synaptic integration in a neuron involves the summation of excitatory and inhibitory signals from multiple synapses. If the overall excitatory input surpasses the inhibitory input, the neuron is more likely to generate an action potential and propagate a nerve impulse. Conversely, if the inhibitory input dominates, the neuron is less likely to generate an action potential.

Related questions

Which element is most likely to imitate calciums role in the function of neutrons?

Strontium is the element most likely to imitate calcium's role in the function of neurons due to its similar chemical properties and ability to interfere with calcium ion channels in neuronal cells.

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The nervous system cells or neurons do not contain centrioles These neurons most likely could not what?

Neurons lacking centrioles are unlikely to be able to undergo cell division. Centrioles are important for organizing the cell's cytoskeleton during mitosis, and their absence could hinder cell division in neurons.

Are neuroglia or neuron likely to give rise to tumor why?

Neuroglia are non conductive and provide a support system for the neurons. They are not likely to spread, but doctors still treat them as malignant and treat the symptoms.

What part of nervous system worked when you are pricked by a needle?

This is a reflex that the peripheral nervous system was involved in. The prick was noted by sensory neurons which carried information into the spinal cord and synapsed with motor neurons which made you react, most likely by pulling away.

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to design function

Groups of axons and dendrites in the PNS are called?

A group of axons in the CNS is most likely referring to the tracts of neurons that are found in the spinal cord.

Is it normal for a 4 year old child to imitate or behave like someone else?

Yes, they are very impressionable and will likely immitate the behaviour they see in others they look up to.

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Which is the most likely function of a group of cells that contains a high number of mitochondrian

If you double the input of a function and it results in half the output and if you triple the input and it results in a third of the output what can be guessed about the function?

~the function is most likely inversely proportional. ~more input results in less output.

What would be the likely function of a plant cell that contains any chloroplasts?

If there are many,function is to produce food.It carry out photosynthesis.

Which is likely not a function?

We would need to know which functions to respond to this question.