

What is mudstone used for?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Mudstone is made up of tiny particles of clay. It is used to make things such as pottery, roof tiles, and bricks. It is also used with limestone to make cement.

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9y ago
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13y ago

Countetops, pathways, and most off all, bricks!

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Q: What is mudstone used for?
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Is mudstone igneous or sedimentary?

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What is hard mudstone?

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What was made from mudstone?

Mudstone is used to make types of walls in the desert to keep in heat and keep out cool another type of substance used with mudstone is cow dung this is to keep the wall strong during summer and winter against the harsh wether of the desert. I hope this helped. Thanks by Anonymous!!

Is mudstone a rock or a mineral?

Mudstone is a clasitc sedimentary rock.

What type of a rock is mudstone?

Mudstone is a clastic sedimentary rock.

How is mudstone made?

Mudstone is a mudrock. It is made of clay minerals and other very small pieces of rock. Mudstone is sedimentary.

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mudstone has smaller particles :D

Sedimentary rock also known as mudstone?

No. Mudstone is sedimentary rock, but not all sedimentary rock is mudstone. Sandstone and limestone are other common varities of sedimentary rock.

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Shale is a denser version of mudstone.

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Would a tunnel excavated in granite require more or less support than a tunnel excavated in mudstone?

Granite is much harder than mudstone, so mudstone would require more support.