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Q: What is name of scientists that study fossils?
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What is the name of the scientists who study fossils?


What is the name of the scientists who study dinosaurs and fossils?


What are scientists who study fossils?


What scientists who study fossils.?


Why do scienctists study fossils?

Well, not all scientists study fossils but some who participate in the art paleontology do. Anyway, here's the answer to your question: scientists study fossils to learn about the bone's past and who they might've belonged to to put it in layman's terms (simplified terms)

What evidence do scientists use to study the ancient dinosaur?

Scientists use mainly fossils.

What are scientists that study fossils called?

They are generally called palaeontologists.

What has the study of fossils allow scientists to do?

Learn about the earth's past.

What do scientists study to learn more about early humans?

Scientists study fossils, ancient tools, and DNA to learn more about early humans. By comparing and analyzing these sources of evidence, scientists can piece together information about the behavior, lifestyle, and relationships of our ancestors.

What are the four step scientists use to study fossils?

They use the study of relative dating etc...

What do we call the scientist who studies all types of fossils?

Scientists who study fossils are known as paleontologists.Scientists who study fossils are known as paleontologists. A paleontologist who studies dinosaurs may be a vertebrate paleontologist or a macro paleontologist.

What do scientists use to study prehistory?

Scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to study prehistory, including archaeology, carbon dating, genetic analysis, and the examination of fossils. By analyzing these sources of evidence, scientists can reconstruct timelines, understand human behaviors, and piece together a more comprehensive picture of our ancient past.