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Q: What is needed to change phases of matter?
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Can matter change phases?

Yes. Matter can change phases in the process of melting, freezing, evaporating, and simulating.

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How does heat change the state if matter?

For example heating lead to melting and boiling - changes of matter phases.

What must you always do to get matter to change phases?

add or take away heat.

What are those phases of matter?

Matter has 4 phases; solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

What are the three phases of matter and their properties?

The 3 Phases of Matter are : -Liquid -Solid -Gas. * You can Google the phases or use for their properties (:

What is needed for matter to change it's state?


What is needed for matter to change states?

heat energy

Does the phases of the moon change in winter?

No, the phases of Moon don't change.

How is matter changing?

Matter is modified by phases changes.

Is net force needed to change the speed or direction of moving matter?

Yes, that's a firm. Net force is needed in order to change the speed or direction of moving matter. Uh huh.

Liquid and gas are phases of what?
