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Q: What is new breakthrough to literacy?
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What has the author T P Gorman written?

T. P. Gorman has written: 'Breakthrough to literacy' 'A survey of attainment and progress of learners in adult literacy schemes'

What has the author Lynn Jenkins written?

Lynn Jenkins has written: 'Adult literacy in New Jersey' -- subject(s): Statistics, Educational surveys, Adult education, Literacy 'Adult Literacy in New York' -- subject(s): Ability testing, Adult education, Educational surveys, Functional literacy, Literacy, Reading, Social aspects, Social aspects of Literacy, Statistics

Can you give me a sentence with breakthrough in it?

The breakthrough technology was new, but had the potential to save many lives.

How do you put breakthrough in a sentence?

With this new breakthrough in cancer research, many patients will be saved.

What is the literacy rate of New Hampshire?

New Hampshire has a literacy rate of 94 percent. This is high compared to the national average, which is 86 percent.

What is a technological breakthrough?

It is a new thing discovered that has never been seen before. Exp. When somebody finds out about a new virus that is a breakthrough.

What is the literacy rate of New York?

About 78%.

What does a medical breakthrough mean?

Medical Breakthrough means that there is a newdevelopment in medicine which could be the answer to a problem or a new problem.

What is The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy?

the answer would be that its a dictonary

What colonial region had the highest literacy rate?

New England

What was effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

Literacy rate increase

What has the author Rest B Lasway written?

Rest B. Lasway has written: 'Barriers to participation of new-literate adults in the post-literacy programme in Tanzania' -- subject(s): Literacy programs, Adult education, Literacy