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Q: What is object behavior?
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What is the science that focuses on observable behavior only?

Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior.

What defines behavior of an object?

It is the action performed by the object.

How does particle behavior change as an object changes from a solid?

How does particle behavior change as an object changes from a solid to liquid to gas

What type of behavior is this when a konrad lorenz found that young birds bond with the first object they see?

Imprinting is the behavior of bonding with the first object seen.

Who studied the behavior of falling bodies and formulated laws covering the behavior of these object?

Galileo Galileo

Why does the wavelength of a macroscopic object does not affect the behavior of the object?

The wavelength of a macroscopic object is inversely proportional to its momentum, but in practice, the wavelength of macroscopic objects is extremely small due to their large mass. This small wavelength results in negligible quantum effects on their behavior, making their classical behavior dominant.

What is difference between OOA and OOD?

ooa -identify the object ood -implement the identified object. ooa -analysis phase ood -design phase ooa -expose the behavior of the object ood -hide the behavior of the object ooa -what to develop ood -how to develop

What causes fangirling?

It is a compulsive behavior that is displayed when an object of their affection is seen.

What do you mean by instance of the class?

I have no idea. Was going to ask you the same question...An instance method represent the behavior of an object

Is a vine climbing up a taller object a behavior?

Yes. The vine is attracted to light.

Should guns be outlawed and why?

No. Outlawing an object and expecting it to change people's behavior is not rational

What is misogynistic behavior?

Treating a woman like an object, or generally badly, because she is a woman.