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skeen brov but yeh advanatages r dey r stonger and cheaper than natural materials

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natural polymers will decay over long periods of time. So will naturally decay in rubbish dump sites. Synthetic polymers won't

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11y ago

Synthetic materials are usually less expensive.

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Q: Why are synthetic materials used more often than natural materials?
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Synthetic and man-made materials are interchangeable terms, both indicating that the material is not natural. Synthetic materials in shoes should be avoided, since they do not provide the crucial support a child's growing foot needs. While more natural materials, like leather, tend to be more expensive, the investment in your child's foot health is priceless.

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As funny as it sounds, though synthetic gemstones are much more affordable than their natural counterparts, they are actually the gems that possess the more flawless appearance. Synthetic gemstones are made in laboratories while natural gemstones might appear a bit worn and less brilliant in comparison, due to their exposure to various natural conditions. In addition, most often, synthetic gemstones are more dense than natural gemstones, meaning that natural gems are lighter. There's a great article on Diamond Price Guide about just this topic. Check it out if you want to read more about the differences between synthetic and natural gemstones.

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Is sodium synthetic or natural?

SyntheticYou can read more about its natural form, below.

Which car wax is better natural or synthetic?

It takes a well-trained eye to really notice a difference. Natural waxes tend to offer a more liquid shine, but have to be applied more often than synthetics.

What are the three most flammable fabrics?

Natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and silk burn more readily than other materials (silk being the most flammable). Synthetic materials like nylon, acrylic, and polyester do not ignite as readily as natural fibers but when they do ignite they melt causing severe burns. Natural and synthetic blends could be the most dangerous with the combination of high rate of burning and melting making it more hazardous than either fabric alone.

What is the difference between synthetic and natural materials?

Synthetic material is created through artificial man-made processes. They typically require labs and scientific instruments. Natural materials are produced by the Earth. Although both materials have a different path of production, both are the same molecularly. For example, an all natural vitamin C pill is has the same molecular make up as a synthetic vitamin C pill. They also will work in the same way.

Are household cleaners natural or synthetic?

Most are synthetic chemicals but you can find natural cleaning solutions like Mrs. Meyers also..they are more expensive though.