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Q: What is one major problem resulted from globalization in the 20th century and 21th century?
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What is one major problem that has resulted from globalization in the 20th and 21st centuries?

Answer this question… Diseases are able to spread around the world more quickly.

List major drivers of globalization?

list major drivers of globalization

What are the major drivers of globalization?

There are many factors that drive globalization. The major drivers of globalization include: market, cost, environment, and competition.

What are major drivers of globalization and give three examples of each?

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The theory that resulted in the major paradigm shift in geological thinking in the latter 20th century is known as?

Plate Tectonics

What are the three major drivers of globalization?

Three of the major drivers of globalization include the market driver. Two other main drivers of globalization are the cost driver and the technological driver.

List the major drivers of globalization and give three examples of globalization?

The three examples of globalization are the major drivers of globalization. The first is politics, the second is technology, and the third is economics. All three of these have impacts on different countries no matter the country that it is derived.

What are the Major interest groups in the world economy in globalization?

i think mulitinational companies and the nation of interest is a player in globalization

What has been the drawback of globalization for the United States?

Competition with lower wages and jobs leaving the country are some of the major drawbacks of globalization.

What has been the main drawback of globalization for the United states?

Competition with lower wages and jobs leaving the country are some of the major drawbacks of globalization.

What was a major problem for the assembly line workers involved in the mass production of goods in the 20th century?

Inability to produce enough goods

A big problem challenging the economies of many African nations today is?

High unemployment rates is the major problem challenging many African nations today. Which has resulted in a number of social problems, since Africa has a large youthful population.