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The main molecules destroying ozone are CFC's. They decompose the ozone molecules.

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Q: What is one of the main molecules which is destroying the ozone layer?
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What type of molecules damage the ozone layer?

The molecules that damage the ozone layer are chlorine molecules. These molecules are the main destructive reason behind depletion.

What type of molecules can damage the ozone layer?

The molecules that damage the ozone layer are chlorine molecules. These molecules are the main destructive reason behind depletion.

What was found to be the main ozone destroying gas?

Carbon compounds are said to be main ozone destroying gases. They form oxides and then form a chain reaction with the ozone.

Why is the ozone layer threatened?

Ozone layer is depleted. The main cause are CFC's.

What are the two main gases in the ozone layer?

There are not two gases in the layer but one. Ozone is the only gas present in the ozone layer.

What is the main cause of destruction of the ozone layer?

CFC's are main cause of destruction of ozone layer. They react with ozone to deplete it.

What are the problems of the ozone layer?

The ozone layer has several problems. Its depletion is one of the main.

What is killing the ozone?

Harmful gases released as harmful fumes into the air.(Mainly caused by man.)See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

Does the ozone destroy chlorofluorocarbon molecules?

In general, no. If a molecule has a double carbon=carbon bond, ozone will attack it. Otherwise, ozone will have no effect on such molecules. High energy sunlight however, such as found near the ozone layer, can split chlorine off CFCs.

Which gass are praseat in ozone layer?

The main gas present in ozone layer is ozone gas. It is present in the stratospheric region of atmosphere.

What does scientist think is damaging the ozone layer?

Accouring to the scientists, the main cause of depletion of ozone layer is the use of CFc's. These CFCs react with ozone present in the ozone layer and deplete it.

Is the ozone layer currently being damaged?

Yes, the ozone layer is being damaged by the humans. CFC's are main reason for depletion of ozone layer.