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Q: What is one of the photographic process used in the mid 1800's?
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What is one photographic process used in the mid 1800s?


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Drinking milk is possible due to the process of pasteurization. This process first took place in the United States in the mid 1800s.

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Structural steel was first used in buildings in the mid-1800s

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Two key people in the mid 1800s were the middle class and the poor people.

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how was the wave of U.S immigration in the late 1800s different from the previous wave of immigration in the mid-1800s?

What was unique about subject matter that American artist and writers of the mid-1800s used?

it was made at your moms house

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Italian was the leading style of opera in Europe until the mid 1800s.

How many companies were involved in manufacturing photographic equipment and supplies by the mid 1990's in the United States?

Approximately 800 companies were involved in manufacturing photographic equipment and supplies in the United States in the mid-1990s.

Journeys across the United states in the mid 1800s?

Journeys made across the United States in the mid-1800s were long and dangerous.

Why do you think the literature and art of the mid-1800s are still valued?

I think that the lituature and the art of the mid 1800s are still valued because of the succes they had even before