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Assuming it's a hydrocarbon, one of the reactants will be wax, in the form CxHx+2

Another reactant would be Oxygen, in the air.

The products would be water, H2O and Carbon Dioxide, CO2.

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15y ago
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3w ago

One of the reactants when a candle burns is oxygen from the air. Oxygen reacts with the hydrocarbons in the candle wax to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

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9y ago

The reactants during the burning of a candle are: wax, dyes, fragrances, wick.
The components of a candle may be very variable, many receipts exist.

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Q: What is one of the reactants when a candle burns?
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The wax of the candle melts and then rehardens. This is a physical change and reversible

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As the Candle Burns - 1913 was released on: USA: March 1913

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About the same. Wax dyes have very small effects of candle burning rates.

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As a candle burns, the candle becomes smaller as the wax melts.

Does a white candle burn at the same rate as a colored candle?

The coloring is usually just on the outside of a lipid candle, the whick burns in a modern candle, if its an old oil candle, it might have color that burns due to its chemicals.

What changes do you see when a candle burns?

When a candle burns, the wax at the top of the candle melts and turns into liquid, which is then drawn up the wick by capillary action. This liquid wax vaporizes and mixes with oxygen in the air, producing a flame. The heat from the flame melts more wax, sustaining the process and allowing the candle to continue burning.

How long does it take for a candle to melt?

It matters how big the candle is then you do how fast the fire burns the candle.

Which part of the candle burns?

In a traditional candle, the part that burns is the wick. The wick is typically a braided or twisted cord made from natural fibers, such as cotton or hemp, or sometimes from a blend of natural and synthetic materials. If you happen to have time, Please check Ohcans candle. We have more details about candle on our blogpost.

What color candle burns slower white yellow blue pink green or black?

None. It's not the color of the candle that determines how quickly it burns -- it's what the candle is made out of.