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The supremacy clause in the constitution that creates the order of law and the legal system for the United States. The supremacy clause is the provision in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States constitution.

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The Supremacy Clause states that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. This is what makes it important and it is outlined in Article 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution.

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States law conflicts with the constitution, federal law or a treaty, the state law is considered invalid and has no effect.

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Which clause in article 6 section 2 of the constitution could the federal government use to override the states bills of rights?

The supremacy clause gave the federal government the ability to override the states bill of rights.

2 types of clauses?

That is an easy one they are the supremacy clause and the proper clause

Which clause established the US cinstitution as a supreme law of the land?

The Supremacy Clause

What is the Primary purpose of supremacy clause?

(Ensure that federal law always supersedes state law.)

How do you use the word supremacy in a sentence?

The Supremacy Clause is in Aricle VI of the US Constitution.

What prevents the federal government from using the supremacy clause to take all powers away from the states?

Congress is only able to take action using the Supremacy Clause if its actions are within an area in which Congress holds authority. If it doesn't have the authority, the Supremacy Clause is invalid. Intent also needs to be established. In other words, the law must have been created for the purpose of superseding the policy of the state.

Where is the supremacy clause found in?

The Supremacy Clause can be found in Article Six of the Constitution. It is located under Clause 2 and says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States.

What is the supremacy clause what is its importance?

The Supremacy Clause states that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. This is what makes it important and it is outlined in Article 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution.

Is the supremacy clause demonstrates the principle under the federal constitutionThe President can Veto or sign the legislation that congress enacts?

It is the supremacy clause

What is a good sentence using the word supremacy clause?

i watched the bourne supremacy.

Does the supremacy clause of the national constitution places federal law above state law?

Supremacy clause

Where is supremacy clause found in the Constitution?

The Supremacy Clause can be found in Article Six of the Constitution. It is located under Clause 2 and says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States.