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The gametes (sex cells) that combine to form a new organism in sexual reproduction each contain one set of the instructions for the genes of the new organism, that is, one set each for each trait.

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9y ago

A gene is the set of instructions for an inherited trait.

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Q: What is one set of instructions for an inherited trait?
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One set of instructions for an inherited trait?

They are called alleles.

What do you call one set of instuctions for an inherited trait?


What is sickle cell Trait The condition is Autosomal and there is Codominance between alleles what does this mean?

sickle cell trait is inherited from one set of gene alleles from both parents. if you get two traits together it will cause sickle cell anemia which is a disease, sickle cell trait is not a disease. i dont know what autosomal means!! i dont know what codominance means!!

What is more than one set of genes controls a trait?

genetic traits

What is it when more than one set of genes controls a trait?

It is called polygenic inheritance.

Do genes provide the cell with a specific set of hormonal instructions or with a set of biochemical instructions?

biochemical instructions

How many instructions are in the ARM instruction set?

There is one instruction set in the IA-32. Instruction set is the set of instruction that a processor can execute.

If a daughter expresses an x-linked recessive gene she inherited the trait from?

For a female to express an X linked recessive gene, she must have inherited it from both parents. Every female (without disease) has two X chromosomes: XX, while males have an X and a Y: XY. A recessive gene is one that will not be expressed if there is a copy of the dominant gene present. sex linked genes have their own special set of rules because the sex chromosomes are the only ones which vary by presence or absence between different people. Because a male only has one X chromsome, he will express all the genes on that chromosome; this can be used to determine if a gene is sex linked and recessive/dominant. A recessive gene will not be expressed if there is a dominant gene for that allele present. This means that if a female (XX) is expressing an x-linked recessive trait, she must have two recessive genes for that trait; therefore she inherited the trait from both parents.

What set of instructions tell the computer what to do?

A program is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. In the computer, those instructions are called opcodes and make up an instruction set.

What is usually a set of instructions for making a particular protein?

This set of instructions is called a gene.

What is the term for instructions that tell a computer what to do?

The instructions for a computer are called programs.

What is a set of instructions called?

Set of instructions is called a PROGRAM. And set of program is called a SOFTWARE.